Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Field Guide to Mugs

In this small book I have chronicled my entire collection of coffee mugs and classified them by their colors and measurements.

Concept Map: The Life Cycle of a Chicken

After investigating the life cycle of a factory farm hen and brainstorming endless connecting concepts for the topic, I designed this poster, breaking down the information into a "mind map" if you will.

Fair Trade Chocolate Activity Booklet

For this project I was given a raw text file to edit and design into a children's activity booklet. We were limited to two spot colors for the book. All illustrations were done in illustrator.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cognitive Map

This map breaks down the topics of my thoughts while driving from home to school. The line colors reflect the nature of the thought. I used a couple of elements from the artifact map to illustrate the physical position, the idea is that all the thoughts are escaping my skull involuntarily.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Weather Animation

Using aftereffects, I animated the climate and temperature of four cities over a three-day weekend. There are three segments of the animation, which organize the information by location, temperature (hierarchy), and days (time). The project is about using animation to make logical transitions between the three segments. It's still a work in progress.

Blue Squares Animation

This was just an in-class assignment to get the fell for adobe aftereffects.