Monday, March 15, 2010

Cognitive Map

This map breaks down the topics of my thoughts while driving from home to school. The line colors reflect the nature of the thought. I used a couple of elements from the artifact map to illustrate the physical position, the idea is that all the thoughts are escaping my skull involuntarily.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Weather Animation

Using aftereffects, I animated the climate and temperature of four cities over a three-day weekend. There are three segments of the animation, which organize the information by location, temperature (hierarchy), and days (time). The project is about using animation to make logical transitions between the three segments. It's still a work in progress.

Blue Squares Animation

This was just an in-class assignment to get the fell for adobe aftereffects.

Critical Mass Book

This is a graphic book that I made for image methodology. I don't remember the assignment but I created it to make visual connection between my favorite forms of expression. I used watercolor, scanning and photography, as well as some found imagery. The spreads I designed in photoshop and then compiled the book in indesign.

Scavenger Hunt

For Image Methodology I took a series of photographs that are linked by their graphic elements.

Transformations Project

For this projects I found three objects in my purse to scan and deconstruct in photoshop. Then I made a variety of collages with the pieces of the objects.

Typeface Specimen Book

I designed this book to showcase the typeface Avenir, which was designed by Adrian Frutiger in 1988. The text used in the samples was written by Elliott Earls in his essay "This Monkey's Gone to Heaven–If the Devil is Six then God is Seven." All the images were drawn in pen and scanned.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Life of Pi postcard

This was an assignment for image methodology where we designed a corresponding image for a chapter or part of a book. I designed several of these that captured all the characters, settings, and objects from the book.

ducky vector

This was a short exercise for graphic design I to familiarize us with the pen tool. I also learned how to use gradients to color the duck.

perceptual map

This is the second map in the series of three, documenting my trip from home to school everyday, this version documents the senses I experience during the commute. It's a work in progress, but you get the idea.

black blocks animation

This is an animation sequence using four black squares to illustrate three different words. The words I used were order, bold, and playful. This was just a short exercise we did to better learn aftereffects for advanced type.

kitchen of meaning poster

This poster was for graphic design II, I was given a word to design a fake gallery show for. My word was melange, which means heterogeneous mixture.

At the beginning of this assignment I created 30 'studies' that represented the word, and I made five different posters before turning in this version.

artifact map

For graphic design I we made a series of maps, this one represents my route from home to school.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

prototype font

This is a sample of a font style I created using only complete squares within a 9x9 grid area.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Type as Design Poster

For Typography I, I designed this poster with the given information

Symbol Project

These symbols are from a Graphic Design I Project about developing symbolic imagery for concepts. For the topic of conservation, I brainstormed all of the connotative and denotative meanings and selected three categories of interest.
  1. Resources
  2. History
  3. Wildlife
From these three subjects, nine sub-categories were selected and imagery designed for each.

  • Recycling
  • Ingenuity
  • Rationing
  • Organic artifacts
  • Industrial artifacts
  • Recorded History
  • Air
  • Land
  • Sea
Nine symbols were generated with different methods, one category was to be illustrated from memory, one from a photo, and one from and abstract interpretation. From these nine symbols, twelve more were developed by creating hybrids of the concepts. After selecting the three most successful, I used illustrator to re-create and iterate the idea with the pen tool. The three I selected were Recorded History (abstract)+Industrial Artifacts (memory) for history, Sea (memory)+Air (photo) for wildlife, and Recycling (memory)+Ingenuity (abstract) for resources.
Here you can see the progress of the sketches.