Saturday, January 16, 2010

Type as Design Poster

For Typography I, I designed this poster with the given information

Symbol Project

These symbols are from a Graphic Design I Project about developing symbolic imagery for concepts. For the topic of conservation, I brainstormed all of the connotative and denotative meanings and selected three categories of interest.
  1. Resources
  2. History
  3. Wildlife
From these three subjects, nine sub-categories were selected and imagery designed for each.

  • Recycling
  • Ingenuity
  • Rationing
  • Organic artifacts
  • Industrial artifacts
  • Recorded History
  • Air
  • Land
  • Sea
Nine symbols were generated with different methods, one category was to be illustrated from memory, one from a photo, and one from and abstract interpretation. From these nine symbols, twelve more were developed by creating hybrids of the concepts. After selecting the three most successful, I used illustrator to re-create and iterate the idea with the pen tool. The three I selected were Recorded History (abstract)+Industrial Artifacts (memory) for history, Sea (memory)+Air (photo) for wildlife, and Recycling (memory)+Ingenuity (abstract) for resources.
Here you can see the progress of the sketches.